Monday, December 12, 2011

Rebuilding the Wall

Hebrews 11:1  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.    

So many times in our walk with the Lord, we lose sight of one of the most precious things that He gave us---our faith. We have this big mental picture of how we think our lives should be, and when things don't happen as we had planned, those precious walls of faith begin to crumble. 

We get sick. We get hurt. We lose our jobs. Our friends betray us. Our children stray. A loved one dies.... The list is endless when it comes to things that attacks our faith. So what do we do? We rebuild the wall!

Just like Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, we can rebuild our faith. Piece by piece, laying the foundation and moving upwards. The most important thing to remember is just who God really is....He is Faithful and true.  Every word that came forth from Him will never change. Ever.  So, we know that every single promise that He made is good.

Read the promises over and over. They are yours and they are mine. Rebuild the walls of faith, piece by piece.



  1. Faith is the substance - not some airy idea. Right On Sharon! Excellent post...

  2. That's right---it IS substance! Thank you!
